(function (obj, $, undefined) { obj['vovFoodWrapperBase'] = 'Food produced: %vft1%
Food consumed: %vft2%
Food remaining: %vft3%'; obj['vovFoodWrapperLive'] = 'this will get updated by javascript from vovFoodWrapperBase'; obj['vovBtnBonusIcon'] = 'Village bonus info'; obj['incomingMiniIndicators'] = 'The numbers in green mean incoming support or returning troops. Numbers in red mean incoming hostile troops.'; obj['floatResearch'] = 'Research'; obj['vovBtnVillList'] = 'Village List'; obj['vovBtnTransport'] = 'Silver transport'; obj['zoomIn'] = 'Zoom map in'; obj['switchToOldD'] = 'Switch to the old Desktop version'; obj['linkSettings'] = 'Settings and Options'; obj['vovCoinWrapperBase'] = 'Current silver: %vcwt1%
Max treasury capacity: %vcwt2%
Silver production: %vcwt3% per hour.'; obj['vovCoinWrapperLive'] = 'this will get updated by javascript from vovCoinWrapperBase'; obj['zoomOut'] = 'Zoom map out'; obj['floatGovselect'] = 'Choose a government type'; obj['saveAsPreset'] = 'Save this as a preset for quick sending later'; obj['realmAge'] = 'Realm Age'; obj['vovBtnPrevVill'] = 'Visit your previous village.'; obj['vovBtnQuickRecruit'] = 'Quick recruit'; obj['advisorLaunchIcon'] = 'Launch Missions and Quests Advisor'; obj['changeAvatar'] = 'Change your avatar image'; obj['linkBattleSim'] = 'Battle Simulator'; obj['nukeAllReports'] = 'Delete ALL UNSTARRED reports. Be careful.'; obj['linkMassActions'] = 'Mass actions accross your empire'; obj['vovToggleSize'] = 'Minimize / Maximize the VoV'; obj['floatRewards'] = 'Rewards'; obj['launchTargetsList'] = 'List of active Support and Attack targets'; obj['throneLink'] = 'Visit your Throne room. Opens in a new tab.'; obj['chatCallAttacksBtn'] = 'Broadcast all Village Attack Targets you have created.'; obj['toggleAnimationSettings'] = 'Animation Settings'; obj['switchRealm'] = 'Switch realms'; obj['rxCountdown'] = 'Realm-end countdown. Click for more information'; obj['nextAOC'] = 'Age of Cities: merge villages and form powerfull cities.'; obj['floatDailyreward'] = 'King\'s Fortune'; obj['floatTrygifts'] = 'Try Gifts!'; obj['playerPopupSendMessage'] = 'Send an email'; obj['playerPopupInviteClan'] = 'Invite to your clan'; obj['animationToggleVigState'] = 'Toggle Shadow and Cloud effects'; obj['buyServants'] = 'Purchase Servants'; obj['launchTargetsListSupport'] = 'List of Support targets'; obj['creditCount'] = 'Your servant count'; obj['floatRaids'] = 'View available Raids'; obj['floatEmail'] = 'Security Email'; obj['floatIdeas'] = 'Add a feature suggestion!'; obj['vovLoyaltyWrapper'] = 'Village loyalty. It is reduced by enemy attacks with a governor. If it reaches below 50%, your village will be captured by your aggressor. Loyalty recovers to 100% over time.'; obj['vovBtnNextVill'] = 'Visit your next village.'; obj['serverTime'] = 'Game Time (UTC)'; obj['floatSocialInvite'] = 'Invite friends from Facebook'; obj['setDirection'] = 'Toggle between map indicators for incoming and outgoing troops'; obj['floatSale'] = 'Sale!'; obj['floatQuests'] = 'Quests'; obj['mapSummary'] = 'Map Summary'; obj['vovBtnBuild'] = 'Build guide'; obj['floatFreeservants'] = 'Get Free Servants!'; obj['linkClan'] = 'Clan'; obj['linkMail'] = 'Mail'; obj['animationToggleDirection'] = 'Map animation: troop movement direction'; obj['linkRankings'] = 'Player Rankings'; obj['forumLink'] = 'Realm of Empires forums, opens in a new tab.'; obj['floatSupportQ'] = 'Ask our support team a question'; obj['chatListBtn'] = 'Open chat list'; obj['incSummarySetupSupport'] = 'Create / Update Incoming Target Support for this village'; obj['mapToCords'] = 'Go to a specific map location'; obj['linkReports'] = 'Battle Reports'; obj['vovToggleScale'] = 'Change scale of the VoV frame'; obj['animationToggleTargetState'] = 'Map village targets animation on/off'; obj['outgoingTroops'] = 'Outgoing Troops'; obj['playerProfile'] = 'Player Profile'; obj['chatCallSupportsBtn'] = 'Broadcast all Village Support Targets you have created.'; obj['devTools'] = 'With great power comes great responsibility, and cool costumes.'; obj['launchTargetsListAttack'] = 'List of Attack targets'; obj['vovBtnQuickBuild'] = 'Quick build'; obj['getMoreInfo'] = 'Get more information'; obj['vovBtnBazaar'] = 'Bazaar'; obj['incommingTroops'] = 'Incoming Troops'; obj['playerPopupChatWith'] = 'Start a 1 on 1 chat with this player'; obj['vovNameCoordsPoints'] = 'Village Name, Coordinates and Points. Click to rename village.'; obj['animationTogglePause'] = 'Map animations on/off'; obj['floatSleepmode'] = 'Sleep mode'; obj['beginerProtection'] = 'You are protected from enemy attacks during this period. Once this timer expires, you are vulnerable. Grow quickly, join a clan, and recruit troops, or you risk becoming an easy target!'; obj['vovBtnCenterVill'] = 'Center map on this village'; } (window.ROE.Tooltips = window.ROE.Tooltips || {}, jQuery));